Sunday, March 8, 2009

Gina Gives HOPE by Educating A Friend in Need!!

Hey Ginabina,
Long time no talk........................devestating neighbor's husband took his own life. He used to play for the Houston Astros until one injury after another ended his baseball career. He had such horrible pain. This past May he had a shoulder and hip surgery that were both unsuccessful and his pain was worse than ever. He took too many pain pills and started drinking. He ended up getting arrested for a DUI and two days before he was to serve 6 months in jail, he took a gun, went to a liquor store, drank a bottle then went and sat down by the dumpster and put the gun in his mouth. Worse than that, his wife didn't know anything, and was going to Dunkin Donuts to get the kids breakfast when she came upon the crime scene, noticed his car there.....then "saw him".................horrible. She was so upset and so mad at one in the neighborhood seemed to be home but me. I brought her to my home while a different neigjhbor took her 3 small children. The coroner had not even picked up his body when the Tissue Bank called her asking if she would donate his tissues.................she pretty much told them to leave her alone. THAT turned out to be the reason why i was the only one home to be with her. I brought up the tissue bank website and right there in black and white it said that the number one need for tissue donors was to assist injured athletes. I spoke to her about making a bad legacy into a good maybe he would in death prevent another athlete from the same kind of pain. She called them back and donated any tissues and valves etc... that they wanted or could use............and now her kids will know of Daddy's gift......and they can be proud! YOU and Evan put me there with her! Thank you Gina and Evan!
funny lady

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