Hi Gina. I finally got around to donating blood. (I had tried and waited for a while at your birthday celebration, but had to leave). Anyway, I stumbled upon a blood donation at the RSM library yesterday as I was taking the boys to do homework there. I thought, well they could get their homework done while I give blood, perfect! After the questions, etc. I was on the bed... the "rookie" botched my left arm! It hurt so bad that was was scared. I requested that "Annie" ) the woman called upon in an emergency when I was bleeding all over, to do my right arm and get it going. She did great. During this 1 hour process, the boys kept playing with the "emergency bell" at the table for blood donors to ring in an emergency. The staff was getting all mad at them for playing with it, in a nice way, but I kind of felt bad for my boys since it was taking so long! Afterwards, I got up and went over to the "snack" table with the boys. Of course, since I have been dieting, not eating much sugar and weigh 115 right now, I almost passed out! I needed to use the "bell", but was worried that they would get all bent out of shape and think it was my boys again.... I rang it anyway before I passed out and they wisked me over to the bed to lay down. I was a white as a ghost, they said and were worried about me being alone with the boys. I ended up calling Eric to meet me at Wood Ranch, by the library so I didn't have to go far, to make sure I was OK. 2 hours later, we were finally leaving the library, homework done and blood in the bag! My left arm was so sore, I didn't want to go home and handle the twins (2 years old and would have wanted to be held, loved on, etc.) before bed. I waited till last minute to go home just in time to put them to bed. To make a long story short, it was worth every minute and soreness that I went through to honor Evan!!!
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