Ode to ALD
By Father of ALD children, Kevin O’Toole
I am referred to as rare but am I, I strike 1 in about every 18,000 to 20,000, these stats depend on the source!
Ignore me, continue on in your unaware bliss! I win!
Spreading my name and what I can do!
Don't do this you may give one of my victims or their family a clue!
Some say perhaps when your child is born is when you should test,
This may hold true only if you are aware of me, early detection is best.
It is because of me their young man has to take an array of medicines at various time throughout the day.
It is because of me they had to endure a bone marrow transplant with their son.
It was either that or allow me to fully ruin life's run.
I have caused many parents to ask, why?
Perhaps, one day a cure for me will come along, but not if you continue to ignore my existence.
I am not a myth, continue the thought process of ignorance is bliss.
I will go one taking all or portions of young boys lives, one by one!
I do not discriminate, your ethnicity means nothing to me!
Knowledge is power, empower yourself with the knowledge.
Empower another by sharing your knowledge.
Every person in this world needs to know about ALD!
Please show your support in educating others about this horrific monster of a disorder that has already claimed the lives of one to many adolescent boys. Learn the word ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, learn the meaning of the word, learn more about the disorder.
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