Here is my daughter, Jamie, my son in law Joey and our beautiful new Granddaughter, Dakota Rose Bisant born 9/17/09 at Scripps Memorial.
Jamie was able to donate the cord blood and it appears that all went well there. While she was in labor there was discussion and concerns about publically donating the cord blood. They told Jamie they were unsure as to whether Jamie was gong to have to have a fee or not. Fortunately Joe had the donation papers with him and showed the staff there all the details given to them on the how/when/where ect....and it worked! I am proud of my girl that she followed up on this and so proud of my new Grand daughter.....coming into the world and helping at the start! I want you to meet Jamie, Joe and Dakota one day soon. Thanks for the encouragement to do this simple thing.....Hopefully Jamie's experience will encourage other Moms to do the same. I will be scheduling you to speak in my second semester....and hopefully at least for my class Jamie can come in and share her experience as well. We are thrilled to honor Evan this way and hope we can help some more!
Patti Peviani